
Osticket installation step by step on windows
Osticket installation step by step on windows

The fix ended up being that I needed to add the epel repo. This tool proved to be very useful when coordinating the revisions. Ran into an issue here, php-imap, php-mbstring, and php-xml didn’t install. Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and many other operating systems. Next is getting some of the other requirement into place. TO osticketlocalhost IDENTIFIED BY 'securepassword' Next, flush the privileges and exit from the MariaDB shell with the following command. Save the file # systemctl disable # systemctl stop # systemctl status firewalld MariaDB (none)> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON osticket. # cd # vi selinuxĬhange SELINUX=enabled to SELINUX= disabled.

osticket installation step by step on windows

I figured it was either the firewall or selinux (or both), I’m not concerned about security with this installation (at least not right now), so I disabled both. # yum # yum install # yum install httpd # chkconfig -levels 235 httpd # systemctl start rviceĬhecked to see if I could get to the default adobe page, I couldn’t. Download and install HeidiSQL Open HeidiSQL > Select 'New' at the bottom-left corner of the screen User: root Password: Password Select Open On the left side, right-click Unnamed > select Create New > Database Name it osTicket and select OK Step 12: Continue Setting Up osTicket by Filling. This was a fresh installation of Centos 7 and a quick google gave me a nice walk through to follow, which you can see here. Head to osTicket Installation Files link. I ran into a few problems and had some issues working through them, so I thought I’d do a quick writeup for those that are trying to accomplish the same thing.

osticket installation step by step on windows

I needed a simple ticketing system with email fetching/sending support.

Osticket installation step by step on windows