Introduced new amount limitation in /give, can only give 100 stack worth items once now. give now uses the selector, for giving specifically yourself an item. give can no longer make 'illegal' stacks (such as 24 ender pearls or 5 iron swords). give now accepts data value as the fourth argument. give now gives items directly to the player instead of dropping them from the player. The /give command always gives exactly one of the specified item (by numeric ID) to the specified player. In Java Edition, it must be in the format of item_id And the target selector must /should be of player type.īE: itemName: Item: enum Specifies the item to give. Must be a player name, a target selector or a UUID.

For File Missing/Dead Links –> Request for Reupload.Give Arguments īE: player: target: CommandSelector Specifies the target(s) to give item(s) to.Check our notes, faq page, instructions Properly before you ask for help on the comment section.If the file is damaged or shows RAR CRC Error, re-download them.No Password on any of those game files we’ve uploaded, all files are Password Free.